Neptune III Basic

kr 11.900

Produktnummer: I/A Kategori:


Neptune III Basic

The Neptune III Basic is a real Full Face Mask (or Integrated Diving Mask).

It features a working orinasal mask to create 1 directional breathing circulation – guaranteeing no fogging, even without use of defogger products – makes sure that the diver is always breathing fresh air with no unwanted CO2 is re-breathed.

It features a dedicated, certified and engineered second stage for use outside of the mouth. The second stage is specifically designed to work for a FFM; not only it is cold water CE certified, it’s design is to be as close as possible to your face, reducing drag, reducing the bulkiness of something “sticking out” of the mask.

The Neptune III Basic has a 6 strap harness to ensure you never lose your 2nd stage – one of the safety features of our FFMs.

Its rigid visor sits close to the eyes giving it a huge field of view and crystal clear vision thanks to the double-coted siloxane treatment.

Ensuring comfort and keeping water out is achieved thanks to our unique design high grade silicone face seal – our FFMs are the only ones that feature 2 sizes, from the tiny Small Medium to the broader LXL.

The Neptune III basic is light, simple and no-thrills – it is the FFM of choice for your underwater work, your FFM of choice for biology studies, your FFM of choice for recreational and sport diving if you’re looking for a reliable, affordable entry level product.

Most features that are included with our Neptune III higher end model are upgradable accessories on the basic, making it the FFM that can grow with you and your appreciation of diving with a full face mask.


Neptune III Basic main features

Dive Safe, dive comfortable, dive dry and dive warm on a Full Face Mask.

– 6 point strap harness

– real orinasal pocket

– hard to flood, easy to clear

– widest field of view on the market

– 2 sizes, “S” shape bellow technology face seal

– cold water CE certified, full face. 2nd stage

– new generation, vertical body, balanced, Neptune III 2nd stage

– tech PU and silicone rubber 2nd stage, shock absorbent, shell.

– light and durable

– customizable and upgradeable

– accessory Surface Air Valve

– 2 year warranty


Velg størrelse

Smal/Medium, Medium/Large